Why Buy uPVC Windows: A Smart Investment

  1. Buy uPVC Windows

Why Buy uPVC Windows: A Smart Investment

If you have a home or office and are considering whether to buy uPVC windows, you are probably contemplating whether they make a wise home investment. You want to make a sound purchasing decision that improves your house’s aesthetics and makes sound financial and environmental sense.

So, are uPVC windows suitable for your home and a smart investment?

Reasons to buy good quality uPVC windows

There are many reasons to upgrade the windows in any building. The best uPVC windows offer many advantages to single-pane windows or those with ageing timber or metal frames:

Improve your home’s energy efficiency: When you buy uPVC windows, you will improve the energy efficiency of your house. uPVC and the frame’s design significantly reduce heat transference, keeping warmth inside and cold outside. That’s good for the environment and the planet, and you will save on your heating and cooling bills.

Strengthen your home’s security: The best uPVC windows are robust and secure. With multi-point locking systems, it is harder for criminals to break in, keeping your family and valuables safe. Also, a uPVC window is fire resistant, giving extra safety and security.

Lower your maintenance costs: Good quality uPVC windows require little maintenance and only need to be cleaned occasionally with soapy water. They do not need painting or staining like timber-framed windows, and their colour does not fade, so they look new for many years.

Choose from many designs: There are styles and colours of uPVC windows to suit any home’s architecture or design. UPVC windows are the perfect choice for traditional, contemporary and ultra-modern buildings. You can find out more about window design options in our Choosing the best window profiles styles blog.

Other Benefits

Make your home quieter: Good uPVC windows are excellent noise insulators. They will lessen external noise from busy roads or streets and keep your household noise private. Choosing a new front door and replacing any old drafty exterior doors will also help.

Longevity – save in the long run: uPVC windows are robust and weather resistant, lasting decades while protecting your home from wind, rain, and extreme temperatures. They will not rot, warp, swell, or deteriorate under the sun’s UV light. Unlike other window materials, you will not re-buy your windows anytime soon.

Buy eco-friendly: uPVC can help you lower your environmental impact. uPVC can be recycled, and coupled with their energy efficiency, you can reduce your carbon emissions and energy use.

Improve ventilation: Good uPVC windows can improve the ventilation and airflow through your home. Many opening methods exist, such as tilt-and-turn, that can improve ventilation and prevent drafts or allow hot air to escape when a room becomes too hot.

How much money can you save?

All buildings lose heat through their windows, so it makes sense to choose an energy-efficient solution. 18% of heat loss occurs through the windows, and heat is lost twice as fast if you still have single-glazing.

According to UK government research and figures, installing A-rated uPVC windows could save you as much as £155 per year on your heating bills for a detached home. For a semi-detached house, the savings are up to £110, and with energy prices consistently increasing, your savings will only increase.

The Energy Saving Trust raises the savings up to £195 per year. In addition to the cost savings, your investment in double-glazed uPVC windows can reduce your annual CO2 emissions by 330kg, giving anyone a reason to feel good.

Over the next ten years, you could save thousands of pounds, a smart home investment worth making. If you are considering buying new windows, contact us today. We can give you advice on the best windows for your home. Know what you want? Get a free quote today!


Posted: May 30, 2023