How to Fix Double Glazed Window Problems

  1. How to fix double glazed window problems

How to Fix Double Glazed Window Problems

The windows are an essential part of your home to keep everyone warm and secure. New double glazing is excellent for increasing the thermal efficiency of any space, but older windows or damaged units can have a negative impact. Our guide has what you need if you are wondering how to fix double-glazed window issues. We explore the common double problems and what you can do to fix them.

Common Double Glazing Problems

While modern glazing is efficient and attractive, it can sometimes have problems due to damage or other issues. Some of the most common double-glazing faults include:

  • Condensation
  • Broken seals
  • Difficulty opening
  • Locks not working

Here we give you the solutions to these problems so you can fix double-glazed windows and make your home cosy and safe again. Prevention is always the best way when it comes to maintenance. You can read more about this in our Window Maintenance Tips Guide.

Condensation problems with double glazing

If you have noticed condensation on your windows, it can be a sign that they are not performing correctly. Condensation can cause problems with your home if not dealt with quickly. The first step in determining how to fix misted double glazing is understanding why the condensation is building up.

Condensation on the glass panels facing into your home may suggest that there is inadequate ventilation. Moisture is in the house and has nowhere to escape, so it clings to the glass. To fix this, you will need to let your home breathe. Solutions include:

  • Open windows for a short period each day
  • Add air bricks
  • Use an extractor fan when cooking or running a bath or shower
  • Add vents to window or door frames

By allowing excess moisture to escape this way, you will notice an improvement in window condensation. However, if the humidity is between the panes of glass, that is a different issue. It means the windows have broken seals, also known as blown double glazing. It can occur for various reasons, such as damage.

Can you fix blown double glazing?

Damaged window seals will lead to moisture entering the units and misting between the panes. Broken seals can be replaced, but it will not always resolve the issue. The moisture inside the unit will still be in there, which needs to be fixed.

The only sure way to fix the issue when looking at how to fix misted double glazing is to replace the window panes completely. If your windows are relatively new, they may be repaired under warranty. If not, you can get replacement glass from an experienced window installation company.

Fix double-glazed windows – difficulty opening

Over time, your windows and doors may feel more challenging to open. It can be due to various reasons, including:

  • Hinges may have moved or become loose
  • Lock mechanisms have become stiff
  • Faulty or broken locks

To fix these issues, you can take some simple steps. Firstly, oiling hinges and locking systems will help things move smoothly. After applying some oil, see if this helps. If not, it may be the hinges have dropped or shifted. You can check hinges and lock screws and tighten up any that have worked loose. Damaged or broken locks may need to be replaced entirely.

If you have tried these steps and things still don’t seem right, it might be time to buy a new front door or replacement windows. Alternatively, a window company may complete maintenance and repairs without fully replacing everything.

Contact us for information on window installation prices across the Midlands or if you need help with window repairs. Our expert installation team can visit your home and advise on solutions to fix double-glazed window problems.

Posted: October 25, 2022